Wrongful Death Suits Filed After Drownings Near Low-Water Crossing On Bull Creek

Wrongful Death Suits Filed After Drownings Near Low-Water Crossing On Bull Creek

Wrongful Death Suits Filed After Drownings Near Low-Water Crossing On Bull Creek

A landowner and contractor are being sued after two drownings at a low water crossing in Taney County.

One claim was filed by Kirk Farrell, whose wife drowned at Bull Creek in June.

The other was filed by the wife and parents of Scott Puckett who was a kayaker who drowned at the same spot in May last year.

The lawsuit says Steve Johnson, who owns the land and his company, plus the contractor, Tom Boyce Excavating who built the low-water crossing on Bull creek knew there were issues with the crossing yet did nothing about it.

The lawsuits claim the crossing was not properly built or certified by the corps of engineers.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers inspected the crossing in June, after three drownings at the spot, and found it was out of compliance with the nationwide permit. That permit was being given three years ago.

The Corps says the structure has now been removed.

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