Springfield NAACP Chapter Starts Homelessness Task Force

Springfield NAACP Chapter Starts Homelessness Task Force

Springfield NAACP Chapter Starts Homelessness Task Force

The Springfield NAACP is creating a local task force aimed at helping the homeless in Springfield.

The task force will advocate for justice and change in areas related to poverty and homelessness.

The task force is made of faith leaders, community advocates, and people who work directly with the homeless community. Tangible results are a priority for the coalition. A list of eleven objectives form the core of the task force’s goals.

One target the task force is focusing on is homeless shelters. Advocates say there are 650 homeless people in the city, but only enough beds for 65. Right now there are no family shelters in Springfield and homeless families are forced to split up. Homeless shelters for men are fewer than those for women and children.

NAACP task force advocates say Springfield’s anti-camping laws prevent homeless people from staying dry, since a tarp or a pallet won’t protect them.

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